• What Causes a Toenail to Fall Off My Toe Nail?

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    When a toenail falls off, it can be very painful. The skin under the toenail can bleed and blister. If this occurs, your doctor can remove the blood and blisters to reduce the pressure on your toe. He or she can also trim the toenail and apply a bandage to protect the area where the toenail fell off. A doctor may prescribe a tetanus booster shot to prevent further injury.


    Some people have fungal infections that can cause the toenail to fall off. This is because fungi feed on the keratin of the nail. These fungi can eat away at the nail and leave the nail weak and crumbly. However, if you treat the infection before the nail detaches, you can get rid of the problem and grow a new, healthy toenail.


    Another common reason for a toenail to fall off is due to trauma. Trauma can include stubbed toes, tripping on something, and dropping something heavy on your toe. It can also be caused by sports injuries. One of the best ways to avoid having your toenail fall off is to wear roomy shoes.


    Toenails should be kept clean and dry. Changing socks regularly can help to prevent the toenail from tearing. Wearing shoes that are not too tight on your toes can also help. Also, use anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen to reduce pain and swelling.


    In addition to the symptoms of a fungal or bacterial infection, toenail problems can also be caused by a number of other medical conditions. Fortunately, a doctor can identify the root of your toenail problem and suggest the best treatment for you.


    For example, a doctor might remove skin flakes and debris from under your toenail if he or she suspects that you have a fungal infection. They might also apply an antibiotic ointment to the toe to keep the infection from spreading. Or they might recommend a prescription medication, such as a topical cream or oral antifungal pill.


    You can also trim the toenail and put a Band-Aid on it to prevent the toe from catching on the sock. This is a less painful method than pulling the toenail off. Your new, healthier nail should grow back in about a year.


    If you don't have a toenail detachment, you might be suffering from a more serious condition. It could be a subungual hematoma, which means that blood collects under the toenail. Symptoms of a subungual hematoma include pain, bleeding, and a black or purple toenail. Other causes of detached toenails include psoriasis, chemicals, or a serious illness.

    If you notice that your toenail is falling off, it's important to see a doctor as soon as possible. He or she can perform a physical examination and run tests to determine the cause. From there, your doctor can provide treatment, such as tetanus shots, antibiotics, or a tetanus booster.


    Regardless of the cause of your toenail falling off, it is important to keep your foot as dry and clean as possible. A moist toenail can rip on a sock or other item, so make sure to change your socks as often as you can.